Cultural Guardianship in Tourism: Indigenous Communities' Quest for Economic Stability and Identity Preservation

Document Type : Original Article


1 AIMS Centre for Advanced Research Centre Affiliated to University of Mysore

2 Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences, Bangalore


Indigenous tourism is increasingly recognized as a pivotal avenue for economic growth, cultural conservation, and community empowerment. This comprehensive review delves into the intricate interplay between tourism expansion and indigenous communities, meticulously assessing its multifaceted impacts across economic, cultural, social, and environmental domains. Drawing upon both historical precedents and contemporary realities, the analysis sheds light on the manifold benefits of tourism for indigenous populations, including revenue generation and cultural revitalization, while also acknowledging the significant challenges such as cultural misappropriation and environmental degradation. By synthesizing existing research and amplifying indigenous perspectives, this review aims to deepen understanding and guide the formulation of more inclusive and sustainable tourism policies and practices. Key objectives encompass impact evaluation, exploration of indigenous perspectives, and identification of future research directions. The findings underscore the imperative of striking a delicate balance between economic opportunities and cultural preservation in indigenous tourism development, advocating for collaborative efforts to uphold indigenous rights, foster cultural authenticity, and enhance socio-economic outcomes for indigenous communities.


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